曾令香 Lingxiang Zeng(中國|CN)

學術顧問|Academic Consultant 中國美術學院公共藝術博士、中國雕塑學會會員、CLDA國際顧問團學術顧問。 1977年4月生。 2013年畢業於中國美術學院公共藝術學院,同年到四川美術學院任教至今。 2014年創立西南田野創作社。 現任四川美術學院副教授、碩士研究生導師、教研室主任,長期從事公共藝術創作與研究工作。 Dr. of China Academy of Fine Arts in Public Art. Member of the Chinese Sculpture Society. Academic Adviser, CLDA International Advisory Group. Incumbent Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts associate professor; master graduate supervisor. Director of Public Arts teaching team. Born in April 1977, and graduated from the Institute of Public Art, China Academy of Fine Arts, in 2013, and joined the faculty of Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts in the same year. In 2014, she set up the Southwest Field Creative Society.

學術顧問|Academic Consultant
Dr. of China Academy of Fine Arts in Public Art.
Member of the Chinese Sculpture Society.
Academic Adviser, CLDA International Advisory Group.
Incumbent Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts associate professor; master graduate supervisor.
Director of Public Arts teaching team.
Born in April 1977, and graduated from the Institute of Public Art, China Academy of Fine Arts, in 2013, and joined the faculty of Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts in the same year.
In 2014, she set up the Southwest Field Creative Society.