歷史網站|Historical Website:
王忱 Wang Chen(中國|CN)
駐留週期|Residence Period:
藝術家簡介|CV of the Artist:
2014 畢業於山東師範大學攝影系 獲學士學位
2018 畢業於皇家墨爾本理工大學純藝術系 獲碩士學位
· 部分展覽
2019 「人為刀俎」個人作品微型展覽,Alternating Current Art Space,墨爾本
2019 「多元都市」項目開幕之夜,澳華博物館,墨爾本
2018 皇家墨爾本理工大學藝術學院畢業展,皇家墨爾本理工大學,墨爾本
2018 熱帶實驗室12:感覺, Brother Joseph McNally 展覽館,新加坡
2014 Bachelor of Arts (Photography), Shandong Normal University
2018 Master of Fine Art, RMIT University
· Exhibitions
2019 We Are Fishes On The Chopping Block, Alternating Current Art Space, Melbourne Australia (upcoming)
2019 Multifunction Polis Opening Night, Chinese Museum, Melbourne Australia
2018 Graduation Show of School of Art, RMIT University, Melbourne Australia
2018 Tropical Lab 12: Sense, Brother Joseph McNally Gallery, Singapore
關於本次駐留|About Residency:
在此次駐留中,我計劃製作影像《丟失的一味》。作為一個耐辣程度極差的人,我將以重慶的標誌「辣」為切入點, 以戲謔的視角訴說一個不能吃辣的人在如今辣味佔主流的飲食文化中與朋友們的「格格不入」,去探尋辣味如何成為自己成長中缺失的那一味——我不吃辣的原因,回溯母親在我成長中單方面為我塑造的飲食習慣。我將從個人角度出發,探究食物在成長中為自己帶來的喜悅和失落,進而探討中國孩子成長中父親角色典型的缺席狀態。
<The Lost Flavor>
I plan to create video work The Lost Flavor. I will focus on the spicy food, which is the symbol of Chongqing city, as a people who cannot eat food spicy. I want to discuss the feeling of incompatible with my friends absurdly when we were ordering in the restaurant, just because I don’t eat hot food. I moreover want to explore my dietary habit formed by my mother. This work will center around my happiness and sadness brought by food, further to explore the father’s absent in typical Chinese children growth.
In my work Acrophobia, I will utilize the unique mountainous geographical features of Chongqing and famed landscape in Chongqing: Yangtze River Cableway, connecting with my memory, recalling my father bringing me to take the ropeway in my hometown Jinan when I was a kid. I plan to take the moving images of taking Yangtze River Cableway, assisted with street views of old streets in Jiulongpo area in my video. This work is to exam how I became an adult having acrophobia, as well as the disappeared sense of security, and I realized the cruelty and loneliness of the essence of our life, as a child.
黃桷坪藝術季|《恐高症 & 丟失的一天》藝術家王忱影像作品。
Huangjueping Festival | <Acrophobia & A Lost Taste> Photographic works by artist Chen Wang.