談拉丁 Tan Lading(泰國|TH)

十方青年駐留藝術家|DAC Emerging Resident Artist
駐留週期|Residence Period:
2023.10.17 - 2023.12.17

藝術家簡介|CV of the Artist:

2018 畢業於中國美術學院版畫系,獲得學⼠學位

2021 畢業於中國美術學院版畫系,獲得碩⼠學位

2018 The Department of Printmaking of China Academy of Art, Bachelor

2021 The Department of Printmaking of China Academy of Art, Master






2017 Exhibition of Works from Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University

2021 China Academy of Art’s Outstanding Graduation Works Exhibition

2021 China Academy of Art’s Outstanding Graduation Works Exhibition

關於本次駐留|About Residency:

五年前我在重慶短暫停留時,注意到嘉陵江對於這座城市的重要性,它來⾃中國最長的⼀條河流——長江。正如泰晤⼠河於倫敦,塞納河於巴黎⼀樣,嘉陵江亦是重慶這座城市的諸多 「⾎管」中極為重要的⼀根,它依靠循環維持了城市這個有機體的運轉。有趣的是,在朝天門碼頭,可以看到長江與嘉陵江發⽣了碰撞,兩種顏⾊的江⽔匯聚到⼀起,形成了⼀條涇渭分界,再通往同⼀⽅向。這個因泥沙沈降的差別⽽導致的⾃然景觀,竟然讓我想到我⾃⼰——我的體內亦存在著中國與泰國的兩種⾎液。我的⽗親是中國⼈,母親是泰國⼈,因此,我對混⾎⼉的概念很感興趣。對我⽽⾔,在我的軀體中有著分裂又統⼀的記憶,它們伴隨著兩種語⾔、兩種⽂化與我一同成長。我以⾃⼰的⾝體作為研究的出發點,探尋重慶這座城市的原初記憶。

During a brief stay in Chongqing five years ago, I observed the importance of the Jialing River to the city. Originating from the Yangtze River, China’s longest river, the Jialing plays a crucial role in the city. Like the Thames to London and the Seine to Paris, the Jialing River serves as a crucial artery to the city of Chongqing. It plays a vital role in maintaining the city’s infrastructure and ensuring the circulation of resources. It is fascinating to observe the confluence of the Yangtze River and the Jialing River at Chaotianmen Marina. The amalgamation of the distinct hues of the rivers creates a definite division, flowing seamlessly in one direction. This landscape, formed due to sedimentation variances, evokes a personal reflection of my mixed Chinese and Thai heritage. I find the concept of mixed-race children of interest, given my Chinese and Thai heritage. My father is Chinese and my mother is Thai, so I am interested in the concept of mixed children. For me, I have a divided and unified memory in my body, which has grown up with me in both languages and cultures. I will use my own body as a starting point for researching the original memory of Chongqing city.