Alan Skalaski(美國|USA)

十方青年駐留藝術家|DAC Emerging Resident Artist
駐留週期|Residence Period:

藝術家簡介|CV of the Artist:

2016 年畢業於芝加哥藝術學院學術學位

2020 將以訪問學者畢業於中央美術學院

· 部分展覽






2017.10,JuriedAlumni 展覽,新澤西州Raritan 山谷小區學院





2016 BFA The School of the Art Institute of Chicago

2020 Visiting Scholar Central Academy of Fine Arts

· Exhibitions

June 2019, Summer Show 2019

March 2019, Maslow’s Dream, Austrian Embassy 

June 2018, Lucid Dreaming Arts Festival, Today Art Museum Beijing

May 2018, Legal Aliens, Yan Huang Art Museum

May 2018, Korean Cultural Center of Beijing 

October 2017, Juried Alumni Exhibition, Raritan Valley Community College, NJ

September 2017, The Path of Totality, Crystal Gallery, Chicago IL 

June 2017, Experiencing China, China Art Academy,  Hangzhou

April 2017, Alienation, Yan Huang Art Museum Beijing

September 2016, The Fourth Wall,  Charlie James Gallery, Los Angeles

關於本次駐留|About Residency:


During my time in Chongqing I would like to acquire a deep understanding of the city and look to its unique features to inspire my artworks. In preparation I have been researching the history and culture of the city, but as I have learned from my time in China, time on the ground is invaluable. I would like to use various social media applications to survey the local population upon their thoughts about art and contemporary culture in Chongqing and China at large. I would like to study Chongqing’s artistic culture and market through the lense of art affiliated and non art people alike. The culmination of this project will play with these preconceptions and expectations of art, while hopefully inspiring the viewers to be more engaged and interested in future contemporary art programming in the city.


十方駐留|《腳印記憶 留下帶走》美國藝術家Alan Skalaski個人作品展。

DAC AIR | <Footsteps recall staying for take away> Residency Exhibition by American artist Alan Skalaski.