Ragesh A S(印度|IND)

十方青年駐留藝術家|DAC Emerging Resident Artist
駐留週期|Residence Period:

藝術家簡介|CV of the Artist:

2017 畢業於海得拉巴大學藝術與傳播學院(雕塑)美術碩士

2014 畢業於卡拉拉邦Thiruvananthapuram Palayam美術學院(雕塑)美術學士

· 部分展覽

2019 海得拉巴卡克里蒂藝術畫廊《土地的詩篇》小組展覽

2018 海得拉巴卡克里蒂藝術駐留項目

2018 參加喀拉拉拉利他卡拉學院國家群展

2017 《新興調色板》海得拉巴Shrishti藝術畫廊群展

2017 海得拉巴大學藝術與傳播學院美術碩士畢業展

2016 參加了喀拉拉州Thiruvananthapuram美術學院《引用CFA》的現場特別藝術項目

2014 《2014年學位展》帕拉亞姆Thiruvananthapuram美術學院

2013 Thiruvananthapuram美術學院Thomas Kovoor舉辦的青銅鑄造研討會

Master in Fine Arts (Sculpture) 2017,S. N. School of Art and Communication, University Of Hyderabad

Bachelor in Fine Arts (Sculpture) 2014, College Of Fine Arts, Palayam, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala

· Exhibitions

2019  ‘The Lay of the Land’- Group exhibition at Kalkriti Art gallery, Hyderabad

2018  Artist in Residency Programme at Kalakriti Art Residency, Hyderabad

2018  Participated in group exhibition at Kerala Lalithakala Academy state exhibition

2017  ‘Emerging Palettes’- A group exhibition in Shrishti Art Gallery, Hyderabad

2017  MFA Final Display, S. N. School of Art and Communication, University Of Hyderabad

2016 Participated in site specific art project, ‘Cite CFA’, College of Fine Arts, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala

2014  ‘DEGREE SHOW 2014’, College of Fine Arts, Palayam, Thiruvananthapuram

2013  Bronze casting workshop conducted by Thomas Kovoor, College of Fine Arts, Thiruvananthapuram

關於本次駐留|About Residency:


My works are dealt with space and time. In the period of the residency I will try to communicate with space and people. For the preparation of the residency I will study space and objects, my practice is basically on going with the composing objects and create a sensual meaning other than its utility thought. I have to study objects and history and create a collaborative installation with drawings. From Chongqing I have to learn a lot about culture and art. My works are a kind of diary, in the period of time I will document the space with different mediums example like drawings, objects, photos, sound etc.. I am curious about objects, sometime same objects have different meanings and the very diversity is the foundation of every community.


十方駐留|《景觀的本質》印度藝術家Ragesh A S個人作品展。

DAC AIR | <On the Nature of Landscape> Residency Exhibition by Indian artist Ragesh A S.