任小雨 Ren Xiaoyu(中國|CN)

十方青年策展人|DAC Emerging Curator
參與周期|Participation Period:
2019.8.11 - 2019.9.11



Ren Xiaoyu, study at the Public Art Department of the  Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, the member of the  Rural Revitalization and Folk Art Revitalization Studio. The research inter-ests are mainly about public art, including public installations, public events and Curation .Currently working and living in Chongqing. 


十方駐留|《腳印記憶 留下帶走》美國藝術家Alan Skalaski個人作品展

DAC AIR | <Footsteps recall staying for take away> Residency Exhibition by American artist Alan Skalaski