首頁|Home 十方策展社群|DECP Community 史芮齊 Shi Ruiqi(中國|CN) 史芮齊 Shi Ruiqi(中國|CN) 十方青年策展人|DAC Emerging Curator 參與周期|Participation Period: 2019.11.28 - 2019.12.28 簡介|CV: 生於福建,現就讀於四川美術學院藝術人文學院美術史論專業。Born in Fujian, she is currently studying Art History at the Art and Humanities College of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute. 策展參與|Acheivements: 十方駐留|《Deep Green Side, We Are》韓國藝術家Lee Kyeonghee個人作品展DAC AIR | <Deep Green Side, We Are> Residency Exhibition by Korean artist Lee Kyeonghee 上一页 策展|DECP 鄭格格 Zheng Gege(中國|CN) 下一页 策展|DECP 崔抑雄 Cui Yixiong(中國|CN)