周子涵 Zhou Zihan(中國|CN)

十方青年策展人|DAC Emerging Curator
參與周期|Participation Period:
2018.12.29 - 2019.1.29


周子涵目前碩士在讀於英國中央聖馬丁藝術設計學院,文化評論與策展專業。曾先後工作於中國恆大集團負責海外業務合作,德國Soex集團倫敦分公司負責品牌運營; 曾參與重慶十方藝術中心、麓湖A4美術館發起的藝術駐留策展項目。

Zihan Zhou is currently studying MA Culture, Criticism & Curation in Central Saint Martins. She was working in oversea business investment, China Evergrand Group and business operation, Soex Germany, London branch. She participated artist-in-residence curatorial projects initiated by Dimensions Art Center, Luxelakes A4 Art Museum.



DAC AIR | <HyperBodyIII The HyperFeast of Chungking Cannibalism Hotpot> Artists Group | ” Hyperbation! “ Exhibition