學術文獻|Academic Documents

《黃桷坪的春天:生態 x 藝術 x 社區》|“Spring of Huangjueping: Ecology x Art x Community”

2020年07月,由「同門」、「十方」、「歸真」三家藝術機構及「靳立鵬團隊」聯合發起的2020重慶生態藝術季順緣而生。本屆生態藝術季以「生態的藝術·藝術的生態」為主題,由重慶市美術家協會和四川美院主辦,以聯動民間與官方雙重力量,塑造出了四大跨空間、多主體的行動現場,其中九龍半島黃桷坪地區作為上述三家藝術機構多年從事在地研究所在地,成為本次生態藝術季的重要行動現場之一。 在「黃桷坪平行現場」中,聯合策劃人曾途先生、曾令香先生提出了「生態‘新’社群」、「人人公共 · 人人生態」兩大命題,並在四川美術學院實驗藝術學院、造型藝術學院主辦與支持下,相應形成兩大行動板塊:「2020 年第四屆復歸藝術行動」、「2020 年第三屆長江上下公共藝術行動「(以下簡稱「該雙板塊」)。 因志願相同、理念相合、語境互補,該雙板塊在本次行動中合為整體,在中國時代發展特殊現場下,以命名共同主題「黃桷坪的‘春天’」寄託情感與願景,並共同探討關於「生態」&「藝術」&「社區」關係命題。 本次藝術季雖以生態藝術為媒,實行長期的在地共建行動,結合短期社區藝術節慶式共享,旨在社區更新的時代現場構建長久永續的「藝術&生態」,即以藝術&生態為媒,以「生態」觀實行生態式社會多方參與共同,實踐生態性跨界專業共建,實現在地社群生態化互融共生。這正是「十方」、「歸真」 兩家藝術中心作為社會第三方非營利性專業機構,同作為該雙板塊發起方和承辦方的願景和目標。 本屆藝術季與以往皆然不同,「生態」理念的提出使得本次藝術季各個層面研究探索邁進了「新」的階段。內外邏輯思行重要且珍貴,為此我們進行了相對詳細的記錄和總結。首屆生態藝術行動思行珍貴且重要,其中內外邏輯過程詳細記錄至本文獻中。本文獻將從該雙板塊實際生發次第邏輯展開,依章節划定,從命題理念、社會聯動、專業聚合、在地思行、觀察審視、邏輯總結等層面逐步介紹。

《社區公共藝術與社區營造 – 以成都為例》 – 胡燕子|“Community Public Art and Community Cultivation – Chengdu ” – Yanzi Hu

社區,英文為community,多指具有某種互動關係和共同文化維繫力的人類群體及其活動領域。這個詞同時也含有公社、團體、社會、公眾,以及共同體、共同性等多種含義。從詞根來看,其中com指「共同」,mun指「公共的」 ,ity指「具備某種性質,狀況」。很明顯,這種狀態指的是一種群體的公共狀態。也就是說,當我們談及社區的時候,我們必然是在公共性的語境中展開的討論。 當我們展開構建「社會治理共同體」的研究和行動時,需要調動更多的參與者,以更多元的方式,協調政府部門與民間力量互相呼應優勢互補,以更具創造性的,更豐富的方式進行社區營造。不同學科之間跨界協作、探索創造性的社區工作方法就是必然的行動導向。 藝術的豐富多樣性、包容性、可感性、以及因應於社會現場的生長性,使得它成為人類面對這個世界,進行表達,建立交流的絕妙語言方式。藝術是一種沒有文化地域區隔的國際語言,更是在社區工作中可以研究借鑒的重要方法。 Community refers to people and their activities with a certain interactive relationship and common culture. The term also contains various meanings such as commune, group, society, public, community, and commonality. In the word "Community," "com" refers to "common," "mun" refers to "public," and "ity" refers to "have a certain state." This state refers to a group of people in public. In other words, when we talk about the community, we must start the discussion in the context of publicity. When we carry out research and actions to build a "Social Governance Community," we need to mobilize more participants, coordinate the cooperation between government officials and non-governmental parties more diversely, and more creatively and in-depth. Cross-boundaries collaboration between different disciplines and exploring creative community work methods is the inevitable action orientation. The diversity, inclusiveness, sensibility, and growth of art in response to society make it an excellent way for humankind to express themselves and establish communication. Art is an international language without cultural and geographical divisions, and it is an important method that can be studied and used in community work.

《復歸倡議 2019》|“REVIVAL 2019”

復歸是由致力於民間之精神振興,社群之生態更新的第三方社會組織、事業單位、學術機構、個體同志聯合發起的知識自律反思的理念倡議;復歸也是文化藝術復歸鴻蒙,以復歸元時空、元敘事、元語言再出發的「一期一會」行動,以跨領域、跨學科、跨專業復歸無遠弗屆,以之合現場、煉邏輯、促思行的文藝實踐倡議。 「復歸」的四個價值維度: 歷史之定命、自然之要求、人性之反映、知識之邏輯。 復歸的行動組織倡議: 共情而自發(和光同塵)、共生而自主(立本生道)、共同而自由(聚沙現塔)。 復歸是基於各同好自發的「共情倡議」,和光同塵以直面時空場域,匯聚時代精神與社群民間的共情倡議; 復歸是基於各同仁自主的「共生倡議」,立本生道以鏈接破碎時空,反思知識邏輯與場域眾生的共生倡議; 復歸是基於各同志自由的「共同倡議」,聚沙現塔以護生多元交融、助力思慮相和到實踐相合的共同倡議; 自發而共情,思共情者同願;自主而共生,願共生者同志; 自由而共同,志共同者同行。 How do knowledge and experience inform our lives? By what inner rules of life do they transform it into a form of flourishing and come to be revised? REVIVAL asks these questions of us. An initiative of non-profit, government-affiliated, and academic institutions, as well as individuals, REVIVAL is dedicated to the renewal of the ecology of community and cultural and spiritual revitalization of the people. REVIVAL is also an artistic and cultural return to Hongmeng, our origin. We return by way of time and space, narratives, and language, attentive to these means, and, launched from an expectant and open desire, arrive once more at a meeting of the minds. We return, crossing disciplines and professions, to that which is impossible to return. We return to practice an art and a literature that motivate, suited to our locales and perplexing our logic. Four Academic Values: Fate of History, Demands from Nature, Response of Humanity, Logic of Knowledge Cooperative Initiatives: Empathic and Voluntary, Symbiotic and Autonomous, Harmonious and Diverse REVIVAL is an initiative based on fellow feeling—built by those with common interests who chose to come together, doing so in deep sympathy—which intimates, as light that radiates and dust that diffuses to permeate a field of space in time, the spirit of the times of a community. REVIVAL is an initiative to live and let live. It asks us to see our shared needs as the foundation for flourishing and to connect, so as to break down unnecessary barriers. It invites us to reassess whether established patterns of thought and reasoning still benefit people. REVIVAL is an initiative to be together freely. If as children who mass sand to mold towers, diverse people associate, all intent on valuing life, they will be mindful to harmonize their deliberations so as to harmonize their practices. To sense empathy in ourselves is to witness our common human yearnings. To build a life together, yet do so as autonomous, self-determining beings, is to understand that common yearnings lead to a common vision. To be together in each other‘s presence, and free, is to be reminded that those who share a common vision may yet flourish together.


2019年較之2018年,十方取得的、可量化的顯著成果主要有以下幾點: 在學術研究方面,十方進一步理清藝術進入社會現場的根本邏輯為「回基本」,協作機制為「自發·自主·自由&共情·共生·共同」,在此基礎上,出版《回基本》專著、與各方同道共同輸出「復歸核心理念」、撰寫《社區公共藝術與社區營造》專篇文章; 在本體社群構建方面,我們共為17名跨媒介藝術家提供了全面的駐留服務,較之2018年增幅30%,他們來自韓國、加拿大、印度、美國、意大利、德國、法國、阿根廷、中國等共計9個國家;在創研平台中,新增工作室有:SENSE 健康管理工作室、知書學堂藝術教育工作室、戴小兵攝影藝術工作室、之一空間、三十二間咖啡館、漫邸空間設計工作室、絡影藝術工作室、遠山近水雕塑工作室、長江博古古董鑒賞工作室、田師傅傳統木藝工作室、NOON 珠寶銀器工作室,共計11個,較之2018年增福110%;在志願者團隊的搭建上,共計24位志願者為十方貢獻50余次服務,服務總時間為194小時;新邀2位專家學者,正式加入「顧問團」; 在專題實踐方面,累計舉辦小型展覽講座分享會共計60余場,領域媒介涉及繪畫、舞蹈、音樂、裝置、文學、書法、實驗影像、公共美育、非遺民藝、城市更新、鄉村振興等各個面向;大型綜合類「藝術與社會項目」4場,大型項目涉及政府部門、社會組織、企業單位、高校、普通公眾、個體專家學者、個體藝術工作者等多類群體的共同合作; Compared with 2018, the achievements of Dimensions Art Center in 2019 are as follows: In terms of "Academic Research," Dimensions Art Center has clarified that the fundamental logic of "Art&Society" is "Back to the Origins," and the collaboration principle is "Empathic and Voluntary, Symbiotic and Autonomous, Harmonious and Diverse." On this basis, DAC published the monograph "Back to the Origins," compose the idea of "REVIVAL Initiative," and an article named "Community Public Art and Community Cultivation" together with all parties participated. In terms of "Art Community Cultivation," we provided 17 cross-media artists with residency services, an increase of 30% compared to 2018. They were from South Korea, Canada, India, the United States, Italy, Germany, France, Argentina, And nine countries, including China. In Cultural Innovation & Research Project (CIRP), new studios include SENSE Health Management Studio, Zhishu Art Education Studio, Dai Xiaobing Photography Art Studio, One Space, 32 Cafes, Mandi Space Design Studio, Luoyang Art Studio, Far Mountains and Near Water Sculpture Studio, Yangtze River Ancient Antique Appreciation Studio, Tian Shifu Traditional Wood Art Studio, NOON Jewelry and Silverware Studio, a total of 11, compared with 2018 An annual increase of 110%. In the establishment of the "Volunteer Team," a total of 24 volunteers have contributed more than 50 services to DAC, with a total service time of 270 hours. 2 new experts and scholars have been invited to join the "Consultant Group." A total of more than 60 small-scale exhibition lectures and sharing sessions have been held in terms of the "Project-based Practice," the fields and media involve painting, dance, music, installation, literature, calligraphy, experimental video, public aesthetics, intangible cultural heritage, urban renewal, rural revitalization, etc.; 4 large-scale "Art and Society Projects," involving government departments, social organizition, enterprises, universities, the general public, individual experts and scholars, individual art workers, and other groups of cooperation.

《回基本》- 曾途|“Back to the Origins” – Tu Zeng

《回基本》是中國腹地的四川美術學院開題的當代藝術教育改革實驗班跨媒體工作室的三年教學和創研的合案筆記。 教育是人類代際間的接引與交托,其任務是續文明的啓承轉合,明證人類價值於廣無時空中。 國人能知道「志於道,游於藝」中暗藏的性命雙全的三觀,也明白其中本末源流的次第,就同意」藝術教育「的基本是教育,是以藝術為名,以藝術為媒,以藝術為徑的教育。 道理雖簡明,路徑卻萬變,不離其宗,能見始終,但其實很難。故勉,不忘初心,砥礪前行。 "Back to the Origins" is a collection of three years of academic and creative research document of Cross Media Studio (CMS) of the contemporary art education reform experimental class of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute in China's hinterland. Education is the connection and entrustment of human beings between generations. Its task is to continue the inheritance and transformation of civilization and prove that social value is perpetual in the vast expanse of time and space. Chinese people know the values of life and life hidden in "Aspiration to Tao and Art," and understand its roots' order, agrees that the foundation of "aesthetics" is education itself, which uses "art" as the medium and instruction method. Although the principle is simple, the path is ever-changing, and it can be seen from beginning to end, but it isn't easy. Therefore, we need to encourage each other, not forget the original vision, and move towards the future together.


十方藝術中心(DAC)成立於2013年,位於中國重慶九龍半島黃桷坪藝術區的一所3000㎡的前藝術學院內,是一個集學術研究、藝術交流、公共教育於一體的學術研究型機構。 十方藝術中心於九龍坡區民政局正式註冊為民辦非企業單位,由重慶市九龍坡區文化委主管。 伴隨著重慶的國際化、文創化、城鄉一體化進程,藝術文化如何跨領域、跨媒體、跨學科多元生長並與社會互動發展,成為藝術機構思考的歷史命題。十方藝術中心作為非營利性的第三方藝術機構,在中國藝術文化生態的建構及藝術文化族群的發展等方面,擔負著不可回避的社會責任。 Dimensions Art Center (DAC), established in 2013, is located in the Huangjueping art district on the Jiulong Peninsula, Chongqing, China. Situated in a former arts institute covering an area of 3000 ㎡, the Art Center features academic research, art exhibition, and public education. Dimensions Art Center is officially registered as a community-run non-enterprise institution in the Bureau of Civil Affairs in Jiulongpo District and superintended by the Cultural Committee of Jiulongpo District, Chongqing. Chongqing has witnessed fast internationalization, urbanization, and an unprecedented creative cultural boom in the past decade. Confronted with these new trends, art institutions seek cross-disciplinary and cross-media developments and better interaction with all walks of life. As a non-profit third-party art institution, Dimensions Art Center shoulders the responsibility of contributing to Chinese art's robust and viable culture.

《十方藝術中心2016-2017年鑑》|“DIMENSIONS ART CENTER YEARBOOK 2016-2017”

2013年底成立至今,四年多時間,十方藝術中心經歷了一些改變:從最初的典型西方當代藝術系統中的駐留型藝術機構,升級拓展為直面自身所處社會現場與文化脈絡,著重於文化在地性以及藝術與社會關係的綜合性學術研究型藝術機構。 因此,在2014、2015之後,今年我們推出十方藝術中心的第三本年鑒,總結梳理2016-2017年兩年間機構升級之後的一些新的工作。 這兩年,十方人的知識結構成長得越來越全面; 這兩年,十方的機構兩大平台(駐留平台和創研平台)不管是在學術內容上還是在參與人員上,都在不斷充實壯大; 這兩年,十方的學術建構方向逐漸明晰,方法漸趨完整。在藝術本體、藝術與公眾、藝術與社會、藝術與教育這四大學術研究方向上,成果頗豐; 這兩年,十方總共呈現藝術活動54場; 這兩年,十方共支持了青年藝術家15名,支持研究工作室9個; 這兩年,在針對「藝術的鄉村現場」進行的研究方面,十方組織了數次綜合調研,呈現了1場生態化學術創研展覽,梳理出多份現場研究報告,導出了一場在地展開的青年藝術節; 這兩年,在促進地區文化生態建構,振興地區社會經濟方面,通過4個關於文創生態和創新驅動的綜合性學術研究類社會服務項目的結題,真切實在地助力了區域文化及產業生態的結構轉型與更新。 回首過去,生長才剛剛開始。 Founded at the end of the year of 2013, DAC has gradually transformed from a typical western style arts residency organization into a comprehensive academic and research institution that focuses on mediating the needs of art and the society --- the local community in particular. It has found ground in the arts and cultural scene of contemporary China. Following the two yearbooks of 2014 and 2015, DAC has compiled its third yearbook summarizing its major developments in the calendar year of 2016-2017. In the past two years, DAC artists have optimized their knowledge structure. The two platforms (the residency program and research program) have seen expansion in contents and the number of participants. In the past two years, DAC has crystallized its concentrations and found more effective approaches. It has made notable achievements in terms of artistic creation, bringing arts to the public, grounding the creative industry in social developments, and arts education. In the past two years, DAC has curated 54 arts shows or exhibitions. In the past two years, it has supported 15 artists and 9 research studios. In the past two years, DAC has conducted researches themed on “the arts scene in the rural area”, and curated one arts exhibition on ecological sustainability. DAC artists and researchers have produced several research reports. In the past two years, DAC has successfully completed four research projects on exploring ways of serving the community through cultural and creative ecology developments. The completion of these projects have made genuine and specific contribution to the transformation and upgrading of the regional cultural and industrial structures. Looking back, we believe that DAC has just started its journey of growth.


重慶市九龍坡區十方藝術文化創意中心,簡稱十方藝術中心,位於中國重慶,成立於 2013 年, 坐落在重慶黃桷坪藝術區一所 3000 m²的前藝術學院內。是一個集文化研究、藝術展覽、國際文 化藝術交流項目、國際藝術家駐留、藝術工作坊、公共教育於一體的非營利性機構。致力於多 維度藝術發展,實驗、藝術家的發現、培養與推介、國際藝術交流;亦致力於藝術、公益、教育、 慈善的發展,激發生活熱情,構建社會基石。 DAC & Chongqing AIR are short for Dimension Art Center(DAC) and Chongqing Artists in Residency (AIR), they are located in Jiulongpo District, Chongqing. The organization was officially founded in 2013 in Huangjueping art zone next to Sichuan Fine Arts Academy in the city of Chongqing, China. It is a non-profit organization conducting cultural research, contemporary art exhibitions, international art communication programs, international residencies, local art studios and public education. Chongqing AIR is committed to multidimensional art experiments, the identification, growth & promotion of artists and also the development of contemporary art, public welfare, education and charitable artistic pursuits. Our organization mantra is “to fire life with passion, and to contribute to society.”


重慶十方藝術中心簡介: 重慶市九龍坡區十方藝術文化創意中心簡稱重慶十方藝術中心,位於中國重慶,成立於2013年,坐落在重慶黃桷坪藝術區一所3000㎡的前藝術學院內。是一個集文化研究、藝術展覽、國際文化藝術交流項目、國際藝術家駐留、藝術工作坊、公共教育于一體的非營利性機構。致力於多維度藝術發展實驗、藝術家的發現、培養與推介、國際藝術交流;亦致力於公益、教育、慈善的發展,激發生活熱情,構建社會基石。 DAC Brief Introduction Chongqing Dimensions Art Center & Artists in Residency (DAC), short for DAC, is located in a former art college that covers 3000 m² in Huangjueping Art Zone, Jiulongpo District, Chongqing. Founded in 2013. As a non-profit organization involving cultural studies, art exhibitions, international art exchange & communicaton programs, international artist-in residence programs, art studios and public education, DAC aims at multidimensional art experiments, selection and training of artists and promotion of their works, promoting international art exchange. It is also committed to development of art, public welfare, education and charity, thus awakening people’s passion for life and building cornerstones for our society.