喻曉風 Xiaofeng Yu(中國|CN)

學術顧問|Academic Consultant

學術顧問|Academic Consultant
喻曉風 1969年生於重慶, 現生活工作於重慶。 2003在荷蘭阿姆斯特丹雷特費爾德藝術設計學院攝影系獲藝術學士學位。 2004年任教四川美術學院攝影專業至今。展覽包括:2003年,「確認」攝影展,荷蘭馮.蘇藤達畫廊;2003年「丹修頓國際視覺藝術展」荷蘭丹修頓;2004年「轍印」中韓藝術家攝影展,中國重慶;2008年,「KUNSTVLAAI」視覺藝術展,荷蘭阿姆斯特丹; 2009年「話石」PALATTI CHONGQING,中國重慶;2009年「FORMAT」國際攝影節,中國重慶;2009年「零零散散」當代視覺藝術作品展,中國成都;2010年連州國際攝影節,中國連州;2013年「言外之」視覺藝術展,中國澳門。
Xiaofeng Yu: Born in Chongqing in 1969, lives and works in Chongqing. 2003 Received a bachelor’s degree in photography from the Department of Photography at the Rettfeld College of Art and Design in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. In 2004, he taught at the Sichuan Fine Arts Institute. Exhibitions include: 「Confirmation」 photo exhibition in 2003, Von Sutenda Gallery in the Netherlands; Dandenton International Visual Art Exhibition in 2003; Danchotton, Holland; 2004 「Trace」 Photography Exhibition for Chinese and Korean Artists, Chongqing, China 2008, “KUNSTVLAAI” Visual Art Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 2009 “Language Stone” PALATTI CHONGQING, Chongqing, China; 2009 “FORMAT” International Photography Festival, Chongqing, China; 2009 “Scattered” contemporary visual art works Exhibition, Chengdu, China; Lianzhou International Photography Festival, 2010, Lianzhou, China; 2013 Beyond Words Visual Arts Exhibition, Macau, China.