Juan Manuel Rodriguez(烏拉圭|UY)

十方×仟雨集駐留藝術家|DAC × Mil Gotas Resident Artist
駐留周期|Residence Period:
2024.6.25 - 2024.7.10

藝術家簡介|CV of the Artist:

胡安-曼努埃爾-羅德裏格斯-阿納巴爾,1980 年出生於烏拉圭,曾在烏拉圭蒙德維的亞的共和國大學學習美術,並在西班牙畢爾巴鄂的巴斯克大學獲得繪畫碩士學位。他是當代藝術基金會的成員,並協助了藝術家卡洛斯-卡佩蘭(Carlos Capelán)的工作坊。

Juan Manuel Rodríguez Arnábal was born in 1980 in Uruguay, he has studied Fine Arts at University of the Republic of Uruguay, Montevideo and Master’s Degree in Painting at the University of the Basque Country, Bilbao, Spain. He was part of the Contemporary Art Foundation and assist in Carlos Capelán’s workshop.



2008年,他獲得了第三屆烏拉圭文化教育部創作獎;在第53屆國家視覺藝術沙龍“Hugo Nantes”中獲獎,並獲得蘇黎世 “d 藝術家居留計劃”獎學金。

In 2008, he obtained the 3rd MEC Acquisition Prize, 53rd National Salon of Visual Arts “Hugo Nantes” and received the “artist residence program by d” scholarship; Zurich.

2010年,獲得了美洲地區 “青年繪畫創作獎”。

In 2010, he obtained the Zonamerica “Young Painting Acquisition Prize”.

2012年,獲得了烏拉圭文化教育部一等獎;第55屆國家視覺藝術“Wifredo Díaz Valdéz”一等獎;“Prix Paul Cezánne”一等獎;巴黎國際藝術城駐留獎。

In 2012, he obtained the First Prize MEC Acquisition of the 55th National Prize for Visual Arts “Wifredo Díaz Valdéz”, and the First Prize “Prix Paul Cezánne” with a residency at Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris.

2018年,他受邀前往法國聖特羅佩Port Tonic藝術中心駐留。

In 2018, he participated at the residency Port Tonic Art Center Saint Tropez.


He has run 9 individual exhibitions and his works has been included in several group exhibitions in prominent museums and international institutions such as Plaise the Tokyo in Paris, or Galleria Marta Traba in Sao Paulo, among others.

關於本次駐留|About Residency:

在重慶十方藝術中心駐留期間,我想創作一組新的作品,作為我最近名為“Deep in the bottom”系列作品的延續。在這個系列中,我在一個基於重複和意外的創作過程中探索了與精神和星象學有關的主題。


During my residency in DAC Chongqing I want to create a new body of work as a continuation of my most recent series titled “Deep in the bottom”, in which I approach themes related to spirituality and astrology in a creation process based on repetition and accident. 
The exhibition “Your sunset is my sunrise” that I just opened at the Uruguayan art space in Beijing has been a platform to open my creation process in a dialogue with the Chinese social context. Based on the feedback obtained in this experience, I will approach new forms of creation that I hope to enrich my work, which I understand as a result of the cultural exchange that I’m caring out during my stay in China.