Sam Alekksandra(馬耳他|MT)

十方青年駐留藝術家|DAC Emerging Resident Artist
駐留周期|Residence Period:
2024.7.17 - 2024.8.22

藝術家簡介|CV of the Artist:


Sam Alekksandra is a multidisciplinary poet from Malta. In her practice she looks to deliver text through a multi-channel of objects, performance, poetry and video, to build a personal philosophy that is contemporary, immediate, memory-fuelled, inherently fragmented, and raw. She has exhibited in France, Germany, Malta and China.


Recent works include a solo show in Zhujiajiao, Shanghai with her art collective (July, 2024), a multi-city performance called LET YOUR MOVE BE RESISTANCE, (Berlin/Munich, May 2024) and HESITATIONS, a poetic performance and installation for Malta’s first biennale (March 2024).

2023年12月,她在馬爾他的Rosa Kwir畫廊推出了自己的首部實驗電影《如果你確定我想》,此前她還獲得了馬爾他國家青年藝術家獎。

She released her debut experimental film “If You’re Sure I Want To” in December 2023, at Rosa Kwir gallery in Malta, after winning a National award for promising young artists.

近年參展 / 演出:

Select Exhibitions / Performances

[ANONYMOUS COLLECTIVE] solo exhibition, Shanghai, 2024

LET YOUR MOVE BE RESISTANCE, performance, Berlin/Munich, May/June 2024

I can’t write these kinds of poems, performance, Council of Europe, May 2024

OUTERPOETRY, installation, Valletta, Malta, April 2024

HESITATIONS, site-specific installation, Malta Biennale, March 2024

IF YOU’RE SURE I WANT TO, film debut, Rosa Kwir, December 2023

XQXS, Rosa Kwir, Malta, group exhibition, November 2023

IN SERVITUDE OF NOTHING, AHS Hasinheide Berlin, group exhibition, September 2023

FAR REACH, MaHalla Berlin, Berlin Art Week, September 2023 Beehive, Oikos Logia, R Gallery, group exhibition, April 2023

JA! JA! JA! poetic performance, R Gallery, July 2023

The first time I kissed a girl I thought I was a boy, Teatru Tal-Miskin, group exhibition, Valletta, October 2022

Politics of touch, chapbook of poetry, Ede Books, December 2022

Princess wonderful ft. heartsbeatingintime, Storeroom, June 2021

Princess wonderful, Bewyld festival, October 2018

Princess wonderful, Rock the South Festival, May 2017

關於本次駐留|About Residency:



During my time in residence at Dimensions Art Centre, I look to develop a body of work in relation to the flickering loop of human pain and pleasure, through a select survey of research within the city and its vast historic tenacity, with particular focus on the temple complexes within the “Ghost city” of Fengdu. I will utlilise my tools of the body as a site of self-knowledge, stream of consciousness writing, ink, glue work and experimental printing.

I would like to build upon my research on the concept of occupation and public, symbolic art related to human/s pain and pleasure, in reference to the distinct but possibly overlapping Western and Eastern ideas of “heavens” and “hells”, through the exploration of the motifs within the environment and sensory understandings that arise.