Short retrospect of the exhibition
2024年12月14日,“芥子山——中国大足石刻文化国际交流摄影艺术展”在阿根廷首都布宜诺斯艾利斯市的里卡多·罗哈斯文化中心正式落下帷幕。本次展览在重庆华岩文教基金会、十方艺术中心、仟雨集书店、妙高空间等重庆多家社会组织的积极推动下,由阿根廷策展人Fabián Lebenglik和Cecilia Ivanchevich联合策展,在一个多月的展期内,向阿根廷观众呈现了重庆摄影艺术家戴小兵以大足石刻文化为主题的《芥子山》系列摄影作品。
策展人Fabian Lebenglik与Cecilia Ivanchevich提到,《芥子山》系列作品之所以受到阿根廷观众的广泛关注,是因为通过艺术家戴小兵的作品,这些观众得以窥见支撑大足石刻千年文明传承背后一个个真实百姓的生命瞬间。石刻所承载的千年历史印记与留下这些印记的短暂生命故事共同构成了《芥子山》这一作品。此次展览为许多阿根廷观众提供了第一次如此细腻生动地了解中国的机会,在这里,除了强大的工业和先进的科技外,还有着丰富的精神财富和悠久的文明传承。
On December 14, 2024, the “Journey to the seed—the Dazu Rock Carvings and Their Guardians” officially concluded at the Ricardo Rojas Cultural Center in Buenos Aires, Argentina. This exhibition has been actively promoted by multiple social organizations in Chongqing, including Chongqing Huayan Foundation for Culture and Education, Chongqing Dimensions Art Center, Mil Gotas Bookstore and Miaogao art space etc. The exhibition was co-curated by Argentine curators Fabián Lebenglik and Cecilia Ivanchevich. Over the course of more than a month, it presented Argentine audiences with the “Journey to the seed” series of photographic works by Chongqing-based artist Dai Xiaobing, themed around the culture of the Dazu Rock Carvings.
The exhibition gained coverages and wonderful reviews from All Main newspapers, magazines, radio, TV as well as social medias in Argentina. During the exhibition period, the number of offline visitors exceeded 1,800. Many Argentine viewers were amazed by the exquisite artistry of the Dazu Rock Carvings and deeply moved by the dedication of the local people in preserving this cultural heritage.
Curators Fabián Lebenglik and Cecilia Ivanchevich noted that the “Journey to the seed” series resonated strongly with Argentine audiences because, through Dai Xiaobing’s works, they were able to glimpse the lives of ordinary people behind the millennia-old legacy of the Dazu Rock Carvings. The years of traces on the carvings as well as the lives of those who left traces together form the essence of the work. For many Argentine viewers, this exhibition was their first opportunity to gain such a vivid image of Chinese culture, not of its industries and technologies, but because its invaluable spiritual strength and millennia-old cultural heritage.
Opening event and exhibition site
策展人Fabián Lebenglik和Cecilia Ivanchevich
Numerous visitors were publicly recognized writers, directors, artists, photographers, dancers, musicians, scholars, as well as museum and gallery directors, attended the exhibition’s opening ceremony and viewed the exhibition.
著名阿根廷艺术家Luis Felipe Noé参访
罗哈斯文化中心主任Daniela Zattara参访
阿根廷国家美术博物馆馆长Andrés Duprat与执行馆长Ricardo Visentini参访
Centro Cultural Rojas- Alejandra Del Castello
所有现场图片均由罗哈斯文化中心的Alejandra Del Castello拍摄,转载请注明出处
List of guests
Visual artists
Luis Felipe Noé
Cristina Schiavi
Ana López
Teresa Pereda
Marcela Cabutti
Alicia Herrero
Raúl Gómez
Miriam Peralta
Liliana Fleurquin
Osvaldo Monzo
Maggie De Koenigsberg
Duilio Pierri
Tulio De Zagastizabal
Ignacio de Lucca
Alejandra Fenocchio
Fernando Fazzolari
Photographic artists
Rosana Schoijett
Santiago Melazzini
Federico Brea
Other literary and art experts
Director of the Centro Cultural Rojas: Daniela Zattara
Secretary of Institutional Relations at the University of Buenos Aires: Paula Quatrocchi
the General Director of the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes: Andrés Duprat
the Executive Director of the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes: Ricardo Visentini
President of the National Academy of Fine Arts: Matilde Marin
Music critic and essayist: Diego Fischerman
Director of the Experimental Center of the Teatro Colón: Diana Teocharidis
Cultural Manager and Museum Director: Liliana Piñeiro
Art Gallery Owner: Gachi Prieto
Art Gallery Owner: Eleonora Molina
Writer and Journalist of DangDai Magazine: Gustavo NG
Art Historian and Critic: Laura Casanovas
Journalist, La Nación Newspaper: Daniel Gigena
Director of the Marco La Boca Museum: Rodrigo Cadenas
Director of the San Martin Cultural Center: Mariana Ron
Film Director: Juan Carlos Capurro
Manager of Página 12 Newspaper: Carlos González
Video Artist: Ladys González
Dancer and Choreographer: Luciana Croatto
Musician at the Teatro Colón
Pastor Mora
Writer: Alicia Plante
Exhibition academic review
自古以来,思和合天地、行共生万物为人之根本,这是决定了何谓中国人的生命共识,故古今中外的多元宗教信仰都能在中华大地落地生发,也都必将在亿万生命意志的洪流中径变融合,终映射在中国各地的名山巨岩之上。古巴蜀(今四川)成渝之间,东起普州(安岳、大足一域)西至眉州,逾 300 公里的山水集镇散布,人誉“天府”,那里铺陈着天下生命与天上信仰共绘的锦卷华章,尤以数百星罗棋布的佛教摩崖石窟遗迹流传千古,其中 1999 年被联合国教科文组织列入《世界遗产名录》代表了中国石刻艺术的最高水平的大足石刻更是宝顶明珠。 “大足”之名,一语双关地显明着中国人的宇宙观:生而为人,大足天地,脚踏实地,神游九天,所谓天下,立在足下。
Since ancient times, harmonizing with heaven and earth through thought and coexisting withall beings through action has been the common sense for the Chinese people. Therefore, diverse religious beliefs have taken root in China, regardless of their origin or era. These beliefs inevitably merge and integrate with the torrent of billions of consciousness, eventually being reflected on the mountains and rocks in various regions. The ancient region of Ba Shu, located between Chengdu and Chongqing in southwest China is dotted with towns and villages for over 300 kilometers. It is also known as the ‘Land of Abundance’. Ba Shu stretches from Puzhou in the east (an area known for its grottoes and carvings, including Anyue and Dazu) to Meishan in the west (the home of many renowned literati in history). There, the scroll of physical life and metaphysics belief is painted as one for thousands of years. Among them, the Dazu Rock Carvings, which were inscribed on the ‘World Heritage List’ by UNESCO in 1999, represent the pinnacle of Chinese stone carving art. The name ‘Dazu’ is composed of two Chinese characters, roughly translated as ‘enormous fulfillment’. It has a pun that reflects the Chinese worldview: born as a person, acting down-to-earth, while the mind wanders in the heavens, thus ‘Tian Xia’ (the world) starts from under your feet.
The photographs you see are the work of artist Dai Xiaobing.
Year after year, he carries large-format equipment, searching through the mountains and valleys in pursuit of a group of “ordinary people”, those who guard the world of Mount Sumeru with a life as small as a mustard seed.
Large-format photography can capture and solidify the details of the world better than the naked eye. Its intricate details often make viewers linger and gaze. The gaze, sometimes feels like an ‘eternal moment’, can truly reveal the traces of the time. The artist’s motivation as well as dedication also further reveals how Dazu can be preserved and passed down for a thousand years.
The eyes in the image are simple and clear, transcending the physical world like the Buddha statues in the grottoes, emitting the same light; The posture in the image shows tranquility and firmness, like the statues in the murals, warm and compassionate; Their figures being in the grottoes from morning to evening, become the living embodiment of murals and statues. They seek no rewards, only silently guarding the grottoes as if they were their own home, day after day, sweeping and protecting. They do not boast about greatness, often stating that life is ordinary; They speak no grand words, often claiming they have no ambitions. They, who have no fame or fortune, are in fact selfless, touching people anonymously. Like mustard seeds, they guard the scattered heritage across mountains and rivers, embodying the eternal continuum of time and space. Just as the Buddhist teachings say, although the mustard seed is small, within lies the endless Mount Sumeru.
Photography is an art that gazes into the infinite world through a pinhole. The eye locks onto the world and transforms it into an image, an image that is mine. This image can help life prove itself; it is I who am gazing at this moment. The value of the image can prove the meaning of my life, the uniqueness that is mine, the existence of myself, the one and only self, even in the boundless void where ‘God is dead’. This value revolve around moment is exalted by modern people as a belief in the self; yet, this belief is like a shadow, spreading over life, sometimes even replacing it. Making images is like a ritual for gazing upon the world, and it is also a form of predation on the value of life. We look at the images we create, and besides this, there is nothing else.
Those who have been guarding the grottoes all their lives, looking from a mustard seed to Mount Sumeru, with each thought like a shutter click, a moment is the eternal, and the connected images form life. In front of Dai Xiaobing’s camera, they momentarily stop, move their eyes and look at you from the photos; their shadows seem like a mustard seed, instead they are mountains in the photos.
Associate professor of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute
Vice President of Chongqing Fugui Cultural and Art Research Institute
Founder of Chongqing Dimensions Art Center
Retrospect and wishes of the China and Latin America cooperation
2020年,重庆十方艺术中心,仟雨集外文书店,以及阿根廷策展团队作为联合策划团队同阿根廷大使馆、乌拉圭大使馆、乌拉圭驻重庆总领事馆、重庆国际文化交流中心联合举办了“天地 Cosmovisiones”乌拉圭、阿根廷、中国文化交流周。
2023年,策划团队同秘鲁驻华大使馆、重庆市文旅委、重庆国际文化交流中心、重庆国际文旅之窗联合举办了 “印加‘天路’——南美大陸安第斯文化展”;同年,又与重庆陆海国际传播公益基金会、重庆妙高文化艺术空间联合发起“‘天下大足’国际文化艺术交流项目”。
2024年11月,在多方力量的支持与努力之下, “芥子山——中国大足石刻文化国际交流摄影艺术展”最终在布宜诺斯艾利斯大学里卡多·罗哈斯文化中心(Centro Cultual Ricardo Rojas)成功落地。
拉美诸国与中国相隔万里,虽语言迥异,却都拥有深厚历史文明, 明证着文明因多元而能交流,应互鉴而能共进。
2025年,重庆十方艺术中心,仟雨集外文书店以及阿根廷策展团队将继续联合多方力量,推动中国优秀传统文化以创新的艺术形式与直指人心的艺术作品“走出去”,同时也希望文艺作为桥梁能将更多国际优秀艺术家、学者及文艺工作者“引进来”, 不断深化中国与拉美地区的文化交流与互鉴。
In 2020, Chongqing Dimensions Art Center, Mil Gotas Bookstore, and an Argentine curators as a curating team, collaborated with the Embassy of Argentina, the Embassy of Uruguay, the Consulate General of Uruguay in Chongqing, and the Chongqing International Cultural Exchange Center to host the “Cosmovisiones” Cultural Exchange Week.
By 2023, the curating team, together with the Embassy of Peru in China, the Chongqing Municipal Commission of Culture and Tourism Development, the Chongqing International Cultural Exchange Center, and the Chongqing International Cultural Tourism Window, organized the “Inca ‘Sky Road’ – South American Andean Culture Exhibition .” In the same year, they also launched the “Dazu, a World Heritage Site” International Cultural and Artistic Exchange Project in collaboration with the Chongqing Land and Sea International Communication Foundation and Chongqing Miaogao Cultural and Art Space.
In November 2024, with the support and efforts of multiple parties, the “Journey to the seed—the Dazu Rock Carvings and Their Guardians” was successfully held at the Ricardo Rojas Cultural Center (Centro Cultural Ricardo Rojas) of the University of Buenos Aires.
Despite the vast distance and their language differences between Latin American countries and China, both regions possess profound historical civilizations, showing that civilizations should communicate because of their diversity and advance through mutual learning.
In 2025, the curating team will continue to collaborate with different partners to promote Chinese traditional art through innovative artistic forms and deeply moving artworks. At the same time, we hope that art and culture, as a bridge, can also bring more outstanding international artists, scholars, and cultural workers, continuously deepening cultural exchanges and mutual learning between China and Latin American countries.
Argentina Media reports

策展人:Fabián Lebenglik(阿根廷)、Cecilia Ivanchevich(阿根廷)
西文翻译:吴桐、傅雪晖 、Guillermo Mario Bravo(阿根廷)、Sofia Roncayoli Lombardi(阿根廷)
Special thanks to Chongqing Huayan Temple and the Chongqing Huayan Foundation for Culture and Education for the financial support and various assistance provided for the Dazu Rock Carvings International Photography Art Exhibition in Argentina.
Exhibition site: Ricardo Rojas Cultural Center, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Curator: Fabián Lebenglik(AR), Cecilia Ivanchevich(AR)
Academic adviser: Zeng Tu
Organizing and planning: Rao Hui
Executive curating: He Jing, Niu Qiwei, Du Yingxuan
Assistant curating: Hu Dengyao, Liu Chang
Media publication: Shao Lihua
English translation: Xia Xindong, Chen Lihan, Niu Qiwei
Spanish transaltion: Wu Tong, Fu Xuehui, Guillermo Mario Bravo(AR), Sofia Roncayoli Lombardi(AR)
Graphic design: Hu Jinyi, Liu Kejiang
Organizers: University of Buenos Aires (Argentina), Ricardo Rojas Cultural Center, Huayan Temple (Chongqing), Chongqing Huayan Cultural and Educational Foundation, Mil goats Bookstore, Chongqing Dimensions Art Center, Chongqing Miaogao art gallery.
Supporting institutions (CN): Chongqing Land and Sea International Communication Foundation, Chongqing Urban Planning Society, Chongqing International Economic and Cultural Promotion Association.
Supporting institutions (AR): Management Department, Production Department, Visual Arts Department, and News and Communication Department of the Ricardo Rojas Cultural Center, University of Buenos Aires.
Assisting institutions: Jijia Town Government, Dazu District, Chongqing; Inbo (Chengdu) Digital Printing Co., Ltd.

郵箱 :
Facebook: Chongqing Dimensions Art Centre & Chongqing Artists In Residency
Address: Huangjueping GuanJiaLin 190, Jiulongpo, Chongqing, CN.