

驻留艺术家简历︱Resume of Artist
梁祖贤毕业于澳门理工学院设计系,大学时期开始艺术创作。作品曾于中国大陆、台湾、香港、澳门等地区,和韩国等国家展出。并在“A’国际设计大奖” (全球领先的国际年度设计比赛)、“澳门设计双年展”获得海报设计及书籍设计等金、银、铜奖项。
Joein graduated from Macao Polytechnic Institute, majored in design. She started art practice during her college years. Her works have been exhibited in regions as Mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, as well as South Korea, and other countries. She has won gold, silver and bronze awards for poster design and book design at A Design & Competition (the world’s leading international annual design competition) and the Macao Design Biennale.
近年参展、演出|Recent Exhibitions and Performances:
《简单身体运动》(重庆十方驻留)、《澳门视觉艺术联展 2021》、《静默.影照》、 《静默‧移转》(澳门城市艺穗节)、《云云-观念摄影作品展》,《影落此城》(澳门艺术节重演)、《EXiM2020—澳门实验录像活动》、《脑背山下摄影展》《20/20澳门字体百分百设计交流展》、《海报设计展•首尔》。
《Simple Body Exercise》(DAC-AIR)、《Collective Exhibition of Macao Visual Arts 2021》、《Tranquil・Luminous》、 《Tranquillity・Transmission》(Macao City Fringe Festival)、《Van Van ── Conceptual Photography works》,《Here she dances》(Macao City Fringe Festival)、《EXiM2020—Macau Experimental Video Festival》、《Below LaoBeiShan: Hengoin Today Photos and Videos Creative Exhibition》、《20/20 Macao Typography Graphic Design Exchange Exhibition》、《Poster Design Exhibition・Seoul》。
艺术家自述︱Artist Statement:
She is good at using the delicate feminine touch to create art. Her practice focuses on exploring the inner and marginal of human nature, looking for perspectives between regularity and disorder. Her experimental fields include video, photography, design, pottery and prose, etc., in order to respond to life and the world. 
艺术家作品介紹︱Introduction to Artist Works
A variety of absurdities in a bizarre daily life
录像装置 video installation
多媒体舞蹈剧场 Multimedia Dance Theater
As an international artist, should take the initiative in exhibition
录像装置 video installation
近期艺术家展览︱Recent Artist Exhibition

郵箱 : info@chongqingdac.org
Facebook : 重慶市十方藝術中心
Website : chongqingdac.org
Email : info@chongqingdac.org
Wechat : CNCQDAC
Facebook : Chongqing Dimensions Art Centre & Chongqing Artists In Residency
Address : Huangjueping GuanJiaLin 190, Jiulongpo, Chongqing, CN.